Mental Health

a close up of a anxious person

NHS - Greater Manchester Mental Health Services within the Bolton area

Greater Manchester Mental Health Website

Crisis Care website

Suicide Prevention Website

KOOTH is an online counselling and emotional wellbeing service for children and young people which is free at the point of access. The early intervention service criteria are as follow:

Any young person aged between 11 and 25yrs that lives or is registered with a GP within the Bolton area. Kooth not only offers access to a variety of self-help materials and moderated peer forums, it also offers 1 to 1 text-based support through drop-in or pre-bookable counselling sessions with accredited counsellors, therapists and support workers at the following times: 6pm to 10pm: Saturdays and Sundays and 12pm to 10pm Monday to Friday. 

Please click the above which will take you to the site.

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